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Programs to Help You in Your Healing Journey

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Healing Within Overview

Trauma Healing Program

The five-day program is designed to help you address the emotional pain from past and present wounds along with the repetitive behaviors and detachment that follows a traumatic experience.   The Trauma Healing Program is a group experience that provides education along with creative tools to support healing.

Although each person’s traumatic experience is unique, there is a shared response of trauma which includes loss of connection to our mind and body, our family and the world around us.

A safe space is created at the The Trauma Healing Program to understand our wounds, create a strong connection with our herd and design our own healthy idea of what we want life to look like moving forward.

  • Begin or continue the process of recovery from trauma in a safe place
  • Understand core wounds that drive unhealthy relationships and self-defeating behaviors
  • Understand symptoms related to trauma along with ways to reduce the frequency and intensity of those symptoms
  • Design and create a self-care plan for moving forward in your journey
trauma healing

All-Inclusive Program Cost – $4,900

Upcoming 2021 Sessions: March 6-10, April 10-14, May 15-19, June 12-16, August 14-18, September 11-15, October 9-13, November 6-10
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Trauma Healing Program Part 2

Trauma Healing Program II is a 3-day (Friday evening-Sunday evening) intense therapeutic program that was designed and added at the request of our Trauma Healing alumini who wanted to return to a similar experience that would facilitate continued healing at a deeper level. This program is a wonderful addition for those who have attended the Trauma Healing program.

The Trauma Healing Program II program will provide education and group therapy to:

  • Address unresolved areas of your life that keep you stuck or feeling hopeless;
  • Facilitate trust building along with healthy and safe risk-taking
  • Identify stress management techniques;
  • Develop a self-care program including nutrition, fitness, and spirituality
trauma healing part 2

All-Inclusive Program Cost – $3500

Upcoming 2021 Sessions: June 12-14
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Individual Intensive

Our individual intensive is a three-day customized program designed to provide a space for healing past wounds while fostering hope for today and each day moving forward.  Individuals will address their particular issues while focusing on their particular goals with no group work.  Intensives create a safe space for the mind and body to be removed from the demands of life which is not afforded in weekly one on one therapeutic sessions.  Creating this space will allow you to uncover unhealthy patterns, feelings and beliefs that are impeding your life.

During an individual intensive the participant will work individually with Ms. Bassett.

The Individual Intensive will help you:

  • Identify the trauma source
  • Discover the impact of trauma on the mind and the body
  • Explore and understand family of origin and generational influences
  • Understand the role of shame in your journey
  • Re-frame your journey to that of grace and gratitude
  • Reconnect with self
  • Identify tools to regulate emotions and resolve conflict
individual intensive

All-Inclusive Program Cost – $8,500

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Couples Intensive

The Couples Intensive program is a specialized program designed for one couple only to work exclusively with Mrs. Bassett and Mr. Causey for 3 days. The program is created to meet the specific needs of the couple based on in-person or telephone assessment.  The program will assist couples in identifying the link between the present situation and past difficult life experience(s), respectful and loving communication, healthy conflict resolution techniques, barriers that hinder growth, and healthy intimacy and sexuality.  Couples Intensive is designed to facilitate connection, intimate sharing, practice and healing.  At the close couples will possess a deeper and more intimate understanding of their relationship and tools to continue their journey.

The Couples Intensive program will provide education, along with group and couples therapy to:

  • Identify core relationship wounds;
  • Improve communication;
  • Model forgiveness;
  • Renew intimacy;
  • Develop essential tools for continued healing.
couples intensive

All-Inclusive Program Cost – $9,500

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Family Intensive

Family Intensive is an intense therapeutic program designed to address the challenges facing today’s family system. Each family is uniquely designed with its own dynamics and complexities that can create conflict, communication barriers, and obstacles in achieving intimacy. Family intensive is for families of three or more members, including children 10 years or older, as well as adult children. This program is designed for your family exclusively.

The Family Intensive program will provide your family with education and family therapy to:

  • Identify and examine the unique family dynamics
  • Identify and address the core issues;
  • Develop healthy boundaries;
  • Strengthen communication;
  • Incorporate conflict resolution techniques.
family intensive
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